cause and effect of the atlantic slave trade quizlet

[54], A burial ground in Campeche, Mexico, suggests slaves had been brought there not long after Hernn Corts completed the subjugation of Aztec and Mayan Mexico in the 16th century. Birmingham, the largest gun-producing town in Britain at the time, supplied guns to be traded for slaves. Economic incentives for warlords and tribes to engage in the slave trade promoted an atmosphere of lawlessness and violence. [230] Wheat, David. Between 650-1600, Muslims transported 17 million Africans to Muslim lands of North Africa and Southwest Asia. The demographic effects of the slave trade is a controversial and . Alabama is the fourth state to pass a slavery apology, following votes by the legislatures in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Triangular trade. 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, Timeline of abolition of slavery and serfdom, Marriage of enslaved people (United States), Population history of Indigenous peoples of the Americas, global silver trade from the 16th to 18th centuries, The Doings and Sufferings of the Christian Indians, Historiography of the British Empire Slavery, US Constitution (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1), Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux, Committee for the Relief of the Black Poor, Learn how and when to remove this template message, International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, Slavery in the Spanish New World colonies, "The history of the transatlantic slave trade", "Opinion How to End the Slavery Blame-Game", "Implications of the slave trade for African societies", "West Africa National Museums Liverpool", "Shipwreck Shines Light on Historic Shift in Slave Trade", "Slave Cooking and Meals Arrival in the Americas", "Cultivating Knowledge: African Tobacco and Cotton Workers in Colonial British America", "Colonial Tobacco: Key Commodity of the Spanish Empire, 15001800", "Slavery in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia", "Iberian Roots of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 14401640", "Slave trade: a root of contemporary African Crisis", "Skeletons Discovered: First African Slaves in New World", "Atlantic History and the Slave Trade to Spanish America by ALEX BORUCKI, DAVID ELTIS, AND DAVID WHEAT, p. 446, 457, 460", Atlantic History and the Slave Trade to Spanish America by ALEX BORUCKI, DAVID ELTIS, AND DAVID WHEAT, "Royal African Company Trades for Commodities Along the West African Coast", "The South Sea Company's slaving activities by Helen Paul, University of St. Andrews", "Indian cotton textiles in the eighteenth-century Atlantic economy", "William Ansah Sessarakoo, Slave Trader born", "Historical survey > The international slave trade". For instance, Portuguese traders attempted to conquer the Bissagos Islands in 1535. This ended the European medieval household tradition of slavery, resulted in Brazil's receiving the most enslaved Africans, and revealed sugar cultivation and processing as the reason that roughly 84% of these Africans were shipped to the New World. Over 45 distinct ethnic groups were taken to the Americas during the trade. [93], A common assumption by Africans who were unaware of the true purpose of the Atlantic slave trade was that the Europeans were cannibals who planned on cooking and eating their captives. In addition to displacing a significant percentage of the population, the slave trade encouraged African nations to . [226], The Rastafari movement, which originated in Jamaica, where 92% of the population are descended from the Atlantic slave trade, has made efforts to publicise the slavery and to ensure it is not forgotten, especially through reggae music.[227]. It is the source and the glory of their wealth the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery [129][130]. The 1677 work The Doings and Sufferings of the Christian Indians, for example, documents English colonial prisoners of war (not, in fact, opposing combatants, but imprisoned members of English-allied forces) being enslaved and sent to Caribbean destinations. [67] The Royal African Company usually refused to deliver slaves to Spanish colonies, though they did sell them to all comers from their factories in Kingston, Jamaica and Bridgetown, Barbados. "[229] Researchers estimate that 3million slaves were exported out of the Slave Coast bordering the Bight of Benin. The Atlantic slave trade was one of the most important examples of forced migration in human history. [101], Forms of slavery varied both in Africa and in the New World. [153] 75% of all sugar produced in the plantations was sent to London, and much of it was consumed in the highly lucrative coffee houses there.[151]. Of those 173, no fewer than 68 could be deemed nation states with political and military infrastructures that enabled them to dominate their neighbours. What impact did the Berlin Conference have on Africa quizlet? Crimes traditionally punishable by some other form of punishment became punishable by enslavement and sale to slave traders. Before the African slave trade was completely banned by participating nations in 1853, 15.3million enslaved people had arrived in the Americas. "I understand why the inhabitants in the West Indian Islands celebrate the day they became part of the U.S. David Brion Davis says that abolitionists assumed "that an end to slave imports would lead automatically to the amelioration and gradual abolition of slavery". [128], The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. Cause and Effects of Slave Trade Flashcards | Quizlet. There they bought people in exchange for goods and loaded them into the ships. After the Spanish reached the Americas in 1492, the direction of the trade became trans-Atlantic. [94], Europeans provided the market for slaves, rarely traveling beyond the coast or entering the African interior, due to fear of disease and native resistance. Owners turned to Africa for cheap labor. The slave trade had negative effects on Africa in both the short and long term. The Transatlantic slave trade brought African slaves to the New World, primarily to do hard physical labor in tropical climates. Based on earlier theories by Eric Williams, he asserted that the industrial revolution was at least in part funded by agricultural profits from the Americas. [107], Europeans would buy and ship slaves to the Western Hemisphere from markets across West Africa. J.R. Ward, "The British West Indies in the Age of Abolition," in P. J. Marshall, ed. Thousands of people lost their lives when they were abducted and forced into slavery. [4] Some Africans had made a business out of capturing Africans from neighboring ethnic groups or war captives and selling them. [89] Dahomey sent diplomats to Brazil and Portugal who returned with information about their trips. Additionally, there was the desire to create an alternative trade network to that controlled by the Muslim Ottoman Empire of the Middle East, which was viewed as a commercial, political and religious threat to European Christendom. This was viewed as crucial by those Western European states which, in the late 17th and 18th centuries, were vying with one another to create overseas empires.[8]. He called it "one of the worst holocausts in human history", and claims arguments to the contrary such as "it was in slave owners' interest to keep slaves alive, not exterminate them" to be "mostly sophistry" stating: "the killing and destruction were intentional, whatever the incentives to preserve survivors of the Atlantic passage for labour exploitation. [166][167], Historian Walter Rodney has argued that at the start of the slave trade in the 16th century, although there was a technological gap between Europe and Africa, it was not very substantial. [citation needed], However, both James Stephen and Henry Brougham, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux wrote that the slave trade could be abolished for the benefit of the British colonies, and the latter's pamphlet was often used in parliamentary debates in favour of abolition. [139], Meltzer also states that 33% of Africans would have died in the first year at the seasoning camps found throughout the Caribbean. A fear of monetary compensation might have been one of the reasons for the opposition. [119] However, some African groups proved particularly adept and brutal at the practice of enslaving, such as Bono State, Oyo, Benin, Igala, Kaabu, Ashanti, Dahomey, the Aro Confederacy and the Imbangala war bands.[120][121]. [1] The vast majority of those who were transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from Central and West Africa that had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders,[2][3][4] while others had been captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids;[5] Europeans gathered and imprisoned the enslaved at forts on the African coast and then brought them to the Americas. From 1580 until 1640, Portugal was temporarily united with Spain in the Iberian Union. The Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade, or Euro-American slave trade involved the transportation by slave traders of enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. By November, the 300 Spanish colonists were reduced to 100, and their slaves from 100 to 70[why?]. -planters first used them-European diseaes killed millions. [186], As Joseph E. Inikori argues, the history of the region shows that the effects were still quite deleterious. In 1526, they completed the first transatlantic slave voyage to Brazil, and other Europeans soon followed. The Africans were forcefully taken by the slave traders to go and work on plantations in the Americas. [238] Blair again apologized on 14 March 2007. [202] Abolitionists after 1807 focused on international agreements to abolish the slave trade. Cause: Slavery was seen as a minor institution in Africa for centuries. The act only took effect on the first day of 1808; since a compromise clause in the US Constitution (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 1) prohibited federal, although not state, restrictions on the slave trade before 1808. Of the 45, the ten most prominent, according to slave documentation of the era are listed below. David Richardson, "The British Empire and the Atlantic Slave Trade, 16601807," in P. J. Marshall, ed. The Atlantic Slave Trade had powerful negative impacts on African society: The trading process was brutal to everyone involved, the population decreased and their culture crumbled. The enslaved people revolted in 1526 and joined a nearby Native American tribe, while the Spanish abandoned the colony altogether (1527). In that way, they were able to diversify a large part of the risk away. ): Eltis, David. Historian, Kathrin Kubetzek, says in Atlantic Slave Trade: Effects on Africa, "As African rulers organized the capture of slaves, traditions were created of brutal and arbitrary intervention by the powerful in people' lives.". [22] He identified these as being the drive to find new and profitable commercial opportunities outside Europe. In the long run, Castlereagh's strategy on how to stifle the slave trade proved successful. That leadership later gave rise to the myth that "the Iberians were the sole leaders of the exploration". Denmark, which had been active in the slave trade, was the first country to ban the trade through legislation in 1792, which took effect in 1803. William Grenville, 1st Baron Grenville argued that "the slave population of the colonies could be maintained without it." The Trans-Atlantic trade was caused by the increasing demand for luxury items from Europe and . The United States did not, however, abolish its internal slave trade, which became the dominant mode of US slave trading until the 1860s. Paid labourers were too expensive, and the indigenous . [50] Despite these incidents of occasional violence between African and European forces, many African states ensured that any trade went on in their own terms, for instance, imposing custom duties on foreign ships. In addition to the depopulation Africa experienced because of the slave trade, African nations were left with severely imbalanced gender ratios, with females comprising up to 65 percent of the population in hard-hit areas such as Angola. "In the eighteenth century many slave voyages took at least 2 months. The United States Congress passed the Slave Trade Act of 1794, which prohibited the building or outfitting of ships in the U.S. for use in the slave trade. After 1791, the British islands produced the most sugar, and the British people quickly became the largest consumers. The demand for cheap labour was tremendous and the European workers did not survive the conditions on the plantations. We will write a custom Term Paper on Slavery in America: Causes and Effects specifically for you. To revisit the issue of intent already touched on: If an institution is deliberately maintained and expanded by discernible agents, though all are aware of the hecatombs of casualties it is inflicting on a definable human group, then why should this not qualify as genocide?"[115]. Spain, France and Portugal also relied on the international slave trade to supply their colonial plantations. There was an increasingly growing public revulsion against slavery. The King of Bonny (now in Nigeria) was horrified at the conclusion of the practice: We think this trade must go on. On 31 May 2007, the Governor of Alabama, Bob Riley, signed a resolution expressing "profound regret" for Alabama's role in slavery and apologizing for slavery's wrongs and lingering effects. Risksmaritime and commercialwere important for individual voyages. He found that mortality rates decreased over the history of the slave trade, primarily because the length of time necessary for the voyage was declining. The shock of this revolution in 1804, certainly introduces an essential political argument into the end of the slave trade, which happened only three years later. It lasted from the 15th century to the 19th century. [96] Europeans who desired safe and uninterrupted trade aimed to prevent kidnapping incidents, and the British passed the "Acts of Parliament for Regulating the Slave Trade" in 1750 which outlawed the abduction of free Africans by "fraud, force, or violence". Effect: planned to use Native Americans, but millions died from disease, war, and brutality. They include smallpox, malaria, bubonic plague, typhus, influenza, measles, diphtheria, yellow fever, and whooping cough. The regions of Africa from which these slaves were taken is given in the following table, from the same source. However, according to Senator Stephen Douglas, Lincoln's opponent in the LincolnDouglas debates: In regard to the slave trade, Mr. Douglas stated that there was not the shadow of doubt but that it had been carried on quite extensively for a long time back, and that there had been more slaves imported into the Southern States during the last year [1858] than had ever been imported before in any one year, even when the slave trade was legal. [143], Epidemics of smallpox were known for causing a significant decrease in the indigenous population of the New World. Du Bois Institute for African and African-American Research, "Understanding the Database - Methodology - Introduction", Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, "Britain's Slave Owner Compensation Loan, reparations and tax havenry",, "Chapter Thirty-One: Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist", "Founders Online: Bill to Prevent the Importation of Slaves, &c., [16 June 1777]", "Danish decision to abolish transatlantic slave trade in 1792", "The Royal Navy and the Battle to End Slavery", "William Wilberforce 'condoned slavery', Colonial Office papers revealRescued slaves forced into unpaid 'apprenticeships'", "Question of the Month Jim Crow Museum at Ferris State University", Rough Crossings: Britain, the Slaves and the American Revolution, "Averting a Crisis: The Proslavery Critique of the American Colonization Society", "Opinion | Ending the Slavery Blame-Game", Benin Officials Apologize For Role In U.S. Slave Trade",,,, "African chiefs urged to apologise for slave trade", "Liverpool and the transatlantic slave trade", "Livingstone weeps as he apologises for slavery", "Alabama Governor Joins Other States in Apologizing For Role in Slavery", "Obama praises 'historic' Senate slavery apology". [3] The colonial South Atlantic and Caribbean economies were particularly dependent on labour for the production of sugarcane and other commodities. [113] Around 5 million Africans died in these camps, reducing the number of survivors to about 10million. The number of lives lost in the procurement of slaves remains a mystery but may equal or exceed the number who survived to be enslaved. According to Rodney, all other areas of the economy were disrupted by the slave trade as the top merchants abandoned traditional industries in order to pursue slaving, and the lower levels of the population were disrupted by the slaving itself. The major Atlantic slave-trading nations, in order of trade volume, were Portugal, Britain, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and Denmark. Section 3 The Atlantic Slave Trade Answers. global upholstery company chair 69a7019, are lockheed martin employees federal employees, Monetary compensation might have been one of the 45, the slave trade proved.. 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