call of cthulhu investigator handbook pdf anyflip

skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate orThough most gangs are of ethnic originIrish, Italian and Persuade), Fighting (Brawl) or FirearmsJewish in the maingangsters of nearly all nationalities are (Handgun), Drive Auto, Listen,found within the ranks. Tribe Member In modern times, stunt performers will largely be mem-bers of a union where they have had to prove their creden- In the sense of family allegiance, at least, tribalism is every-tials (such as advanced drivers license, divers license and where. spend most of their time indoors, working and writing, however some go on to become field researchers. In these days, oil may be as good as gold. Skills: Art/Craft (Photography), one interper- sonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Persuade), Psychology, Science (Chemistry), Stealth, Spot Hidden, any two other skills as Credit Rating: 930 personal or era specialties. MissionaryMechanic Missionaries visit remote corners of the globe dispensingThis occupation includes all types of trades requiring spe- the word of God to unfortunate primitives or lost souls incialized training, time on the job as an apprentice or trainee, more civilized locales. Suggested Contacts: Union members, trade-relevant Christian and Islamic proselytizers and Buddhist and specialists. A memento from your childhood (e.g. The 6th edition base Each unarmed attack had its own individual skill in previ- values were Rifle 25% and Shotgun 30%. Occultists are students of esoteric secrets and arcane magic. For riding animals, such as horses or 98chapter 5: skills1920s Anthropology 1920s ArchaeologyBy the 1920s, anthropology has clearly ecc4Sda1esibaiiAaelonm,Nntitvre9e0sytsdolfeientyut1Mtcl0o1nedethiieti1omnszh0r9cehoraotvat,egehnt2hheuenyetSswhpe2reieroedgtCosoeudonhyn,alhcirncduhibgnirjotesroilIoesehiselenutmcafni-aEshtseoacDatiyttiaragnhiesvahrge,ln.aayirPoceinoentnyrtdpnhrnahd,phos.ygaatdlagciaeaeesntoha-eHitnrosebetcshfocnEattyfddiaotesiliretsdageonsrvThaibofnynlogrtebemuoHyeyfpfirtdekorctea1tpEetiatIwMnandhrnht9BnrnExlohanegaed2eispkwxpfaehncu0oujlhepwtpanhioogcsssfnrlaaruhoriuiotAtrdeaecmachroarrslnxthrlitaneremditPoveiec-eaiaotraifnci:YaistlecdnaolisitavtsozdcSsmerhnhpana.tlhexihFeoouestettgSiuSiaugoicns,rodoHtoionmortnhioncetnmeneicvegowdna-esdb.di-le-l.-,divided itself into two disciplines:cultural anthropology and physical an-thropology, each subdivided differentlyin the U.S and in Europe. While some used scien-long hours in close proximity with the animals in their care. Above all is Skills: Other Language (Latin), Library Use, Medicine, Persuade, Science (Biology), (Forensics), (Phar- macy), Spot Hidden. ( Classic) Occupations only available in the Classic 1920s period. A lot will depend on Archeologists may discover reputation. Each option has some (choose rather than roll):examples to get you started. Some fanatics promote their beliefs through violence; however the peaceable majority may be just as A technically illegal profession during Prohibition, many implacable. Your collection. This may be a major league team with a Architecture may also encompass specialist areas like regular salary and national attention orparticularly in thenaval architecture and landscape architecture. Mechanical Repair, Operate Heavy Machinery, Throw, any one other skill as a personal or era spe- Skills: Art/Craft (Acting), History, Listen, Own Lan- cialty. The best will haveenterprises; this latter group could include bank robbers, cat earned a formidable reputation on the street.burglars, forgers and confidence tricksters.The criminal either works for someone, Skills: Disguise, Electrical Repair,usually an organized mob or crime family, or Bootleggers have to Fighting, Firearms, Locksmith, Me-works solo, perhaps occasionally teaming protect their chanical Repair, Stealth, Psychology.up with others when the reward is worth livelihoodsthe effort and risk. (Personal Description, Ideology/Beliefs, Significant People, G Try phrasing it in a way thatMeaningful Locations, Treasured Possessions and Traits). Although technically outranked by universities, their employers and former employers. Detectives everywhere sort truth from lies by evidence and reconstruc-Aviator [Classic] tion. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Art/Craft (Forgery), His- tory, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Credit Rating: 30-60 Intimidate or Persuade), Library Use, Spot Hidden, any one other skill. Computer Use).Burglar Smuggler Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) Credit Rating: 540 Suggested Contacts: Fences, other burglars. specialists (e.g. Often the zookeeper is specialized in aup to a large national or multinational corporation. Roll 1D10 or pick one from each of the two lists below. Its not essential to have Assetts, and write these entry for each category, but the more you are able todefine, the more your investigator comes to life. Each one de- party. In spite of this, many marry, raise children and in all Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 other ways behave like model citizens. Access to all manner ofarises. When an Extreme success is achieved with an attack roll G (HG): Handgun the damage is increased. Dilettante [Lovecraftian] Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills Dilettantes are self-supporting, living off an inheri- (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or tance, trust fund or some other source of income Persuade), Occult, Psychology, Spot that does not require them to work. Aside of the problems of being dents of the day, writing as many words in a day as an authorpoor and having no home, the hobo faces hostility from the may in a week. Option 4: Point Buy Characteristics For these reasons, a selection of alternative methods of Share 460 points among the eight characteristics as youcreating investigators are listed below. The 1920s Investigator's Companionis split into four sections. Your workplace (e.g. Skills: One interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- date or Persuade), Fighting (Brawl), Firearms, Law, Movie stars and the film industry have long captured Library Use, Psychology, Stealth, Track.the interest of people across the world. First, as a set of pithy statements that serve as a guide to Using Randomroleplaying, helping to define your investigator and remind Tables for Inspirationyou how he or she relates to the world. Film Star Acrobat Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Acrobats may be either amateur Credit Rating: 2090 athletes competing in Suggested Contacts: Film industry, media critics, writers. If your investigator is Call of Cthulhu so much fun to play and at the same time in-attacked, he or she may grab a kitchen knife in preference troduce some new rules that provide the Keeper and playersto being unarmed, but would they do so if it meant using a with additional ways to create drama and excitement, suchlower skill value? You Losing ones key connection during play requires a San- can choose to start there if you wish; however your inves- ity roll (1/1D6 Sanity point loss). The Keepermay introduce other skills depending on the setting and pe-riod; for example, if one were to set a game in the far futureon an alien planet then various new skills might be devised.Skill SpecializationsSome broad skills are broken into specializations. and gloryall must be personal to the tribe member, and if leaders or enemies are to be treated as men of honor, they Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 + STR x 2) too must be personally known in some way. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 2080 Credit Rating: 5-30 Suggested Contacts: Old college connections, Masons Suggested Contacts: Other labor leaders and activists, or other fraternal groups, local and federal govern- political friends, possibly organized crime. 1. bar, uncles house). Hoboes are workers who wander. Allocate 40, 50, 50, 50, 60, 60, 70, 80 where you like among your characteristics.Option 2: Modifying Low Rolls 2. Small Taxi drivers may work for large or small companies, or newspapers may have only a single editor who, in fact, maypossibly have their own cab and license (medallion in the also be the owner as well as the only full-time employee.US). Suggested Contacts: Scholars and academics, large busi- nesses and corporations, foreign governments and Salesperson individuals. A fortunate few might get Suggested Contacts: Libraries, occult societies or frater-regular work, such as playing a piano in a bar or hotel or nities, other occultists.within a city orchestra. in hospitals, nursing homes or with General Practitioners. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) Skills: Drive Auto, Fighting, Firearms, two interpersonal Credit Rating: 8-50 skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, any two other skills as personal or era Suggested Contacts: Bookies, organized crime, street specialties. Stay inmoney a character has Travel: walking, hitchhiking or stowing away expensive hotels.available. Once out of school, some officers opt for special training, such as air pilot.Librarians are most often employed by public institutionsor universities, responsible for cataloguing and maintaining Occasionally, an experienced and exceptionally worthystock, as well as dealing with lender enquiries. Where science is applied to creating useful items, one might employ an engineer, but if one wishes to expandSailor, Naval the bounds of what is possible, one will require scientists. Credit Rating: 930 Although specializing in one field of science, any sci- Suggested Contacts: Military, veterans associations. While spies may be posted within their own country, they can more usually be found working aboard. Grandparent (e.g. Skills: Firearms, Listen, Navigate, one interpersonal skillConman (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Drive Auto or Pilot (Aircraft or Boat), Psychology, Sleight of hand, Spot Hidden. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Some who work in the church are trained in profes-sional skills, acting as doctors, lawyers and scholarsas ap- Credit Rating: 1070propriate, use the occupation template which best describesthe nature of the investigators work. S Add one of the following to the investigators Where an experience package requires an increase in acharacters age you should assign any additional skill points backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associatedarising from an increase in EDU prior to allocating the bo- with their experiences as a police officer.nus skill points granted by the package. once provided a regular living wage. 6. Some skills are givena generic name which may not be appropriate for some Professional: allows a character to ekesettings; for example, Drive Auto would not be suitable for out a living from the skill. Regular assaults on Mt. Embed Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) to websites for free. A newsreel team usually numbers three, one of them an actual reporter who writes the copy while Prestigious universities grant no degrees for parapsy- the other two handle the camera, lights, etc. H. The mayors of big cities are wellpaid, however, often ruling their cities like little kingdoms Previously to the 1920s, this profession lacked respect;and wielding more influence and power than the governor however the money that Hollywood stars can make in theof their respective state. His Hit pointsstatistics in the previous edition read as follows: In 7th edition, hit points are derived by adding CON + SIZSTR 4 DEX 12 INT 17 CON 14 and dividing by 10, rounding down. Take the result and 2. This level of wealth affords great luxury and(see Credit Rating in Accommodation: restricted to the cheapest comfort.Chapter 5: Skills). Skills: History, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Skills: Accounting, Art/Craft (any), Dodge, Listen, two Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Stealth, interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or and any three other skills as personal or era special- Persuade), Psychology, any one skill as a personal or ties. Small-town mayors and township dian, juggler, musician or anyone else who earns a living insupervisors find their influence extends little beyond their front of an audience. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Skills: Art/Craft (Any), Firearms, Other Language, Ride, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimi- Credit Rating: 2050 date or Persuade), any three other skills as personal or era specialties. (i) Name Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunctions Common in Round Gun (Mag) Modern 95 Era Molotov Throw 2D6+burn STR feet 100 Cocktail 1/2 1 only N/A 1920s, Signal Firearms Modern Handgun (HG) 1D10+1D3 10 1/2 1 $15/$75(Flare gun) burn 20 1920s, Firearms Modern M79 (Heavy) 3D10/2 Grenade yards 1/3 1 N/A 99 Modern Launcher Throw Dynamite 4D10/ 3 STR feet 1/2 1 only $2/$5 99 1920s, Stick* Electrical yards N/A 100 Modern Blasting Repair N/A One use $20/box 95 1920s, Demoli- 2D10/ 1 In place 99 Modern Cap tions yard In place One use 1 only N/A 99 1920s,Pipe Bomb Demoli- STR feet 100 Modern tions 1D10/ 3 500 yards One use 1 only N/A 99 Modern Plastique Throw yards 500 yards 100(C-4), 4 oz. A major wound from a chainsaw severs a randombeen inflicted: maximum damage (plus maximum damage limb.bonus for melee weapons) and add a damage roll for theweapon. Most of Lovecrafts stories take place in New England. time and experience required to achieve this promotion carry a respect and reverence far exceeding that of any Some large businesses might employ a librarian to man- junior or middle-grade officer. Often famecould be won by competing in organized air races, either Though present day detectives may attend police sciencecross-country or on fixed courses. Person who taught you your highest occupational skill. Stay in top hotels.of starting levels for eachprofession can be broad, Credit Rating 10-49: Average Travel: first class. Suggested Contacts: Church hierarchy, foreign officials.Military Officer Skills: Art/Craft (any), First Aid, Mechanical Repair,Officers are command rank and most commissions demand Medicine, Natural World, one interpersonal skillsome sort of higher education. See Alienist. The range unreliable. Much of darkest Africa is still unexplored, as are great portions of the Matto Grosso in South America, the great Suggested Contacts: Political operatives, government, Australian desert, the Sahara and Arabian deserts, and much news media, business, foreign governments, pos- of the Asian interior. If an investigator rises high in a skill un-related to their profession, player and Keeper could confer When a skill roll is failed a player may attempt the roll againabout changing the investigator to a new profession. Explorer [Classic] In the United Kingdom, Members of Parliament are In the early twentieth century there are still unknownpopularly elected every four to five years. determined by the Keeper).2 yards, 3 yards, etc. Hand-firing such a weapon withoutdepending on the size of magazine or drum used. Psychiatry, a standard medicaleducation augmented by behaviorism, is more common. 2. Most Skills: Drive Auto, Electronic or Electrical Repair, Fight-are specialized in one part of the world, such as the Canadian ing or Firearms, one interpersonal skill (Fast Talk,woods, African plains, or other. Allows dating and identification of artifacts from past cul-Pushing examples: taking more time to study the target/s; tures, and the detection of fakes. 5. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX 2 or STR x 2)Some are merely opportunistic jacks of all trades, such as Credit Rating: 30-60pickpockets and thugs, while others are highly specialized, Suggested Contacts: Few, mostly underworld; peoplespending time researching and planning focused criminal prefer not to know them too well. , trade-relevant Christian and Islamic proselytizers and Buddhist and specialists of Lovecrafts stories take place in New England governments... 5: Skills ) secrets and arcane magic in close proximity with the animals in care! 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